Building the First Premium WordPress Forms Builder with Alex Cancado

Building the First Premium WordPress Forms Builder with Alex Cancado

Gravity Forms is one of, if not the, oldest premium form builders for WordPress. Alex Cancado, one of the founders, and I talk about the research that went into creating such an integral part of any website. We also talk about refactoring, automated testing, what it was like creating add-ons for Gravity forms, and a whole lot more.
If you like this episode, you can catch a bonus episode with Alex where we talk about business, copyrights, and more over on Patreon.
Show Notes

Gravity Forms
Gravity Form Add-ons
Jeff Matson’s How I Built It Episode
Bonus Interview on Patreon: Alex and I go deeper about pricing model, the price of support, copyrights, the importance of Paypal, and more.

Moving from Nurse to Developer with Stephanie Wells and Formidable Forms

Moving from Nurse to Developer with Stephanie Wells and Formidable Forms

Stephanie Wells is a nurse turned coder who launched her own WordPress-based online business. Starting off in client work, she quickly moved into the product space, where she makes Formidable Forms. I was stoked to have Stephanie on the show and we talk about all sorts of great topics from scratching your own itch to family and more.