Building and Evolving Profitable Project Plan with Jennifer Bourn

Building and Evolving Profitable Project Plan with Jennifer Bourn

Jennifer Bourn has been successfully running Profitable Project Plan, her training program for freelancers and small business owners, for several years. But it wasn’t something that instantly made her a ton or money, and it’s evolved over time. We’re getting back to basics here in 2021, so Jennifer and I talk about what you’ll learn in Profitable Project Plan, but we’ll also talk about how she built it, and how she evolved it to make it the perfect program for anyone who wants to build a better business.

The Importance of Niching Down, Part 2 with Sara Dunn

The Importance of Niching Down, Part 2 with Sara Dunn

Sara Dunn is one of my favorite people to talk to, and for good reason. She’s fun, honest, and has a lot of great insight! Today we’re following up on episode 69, where we talked about her starting to niche down. Now, 2 years and nearly 100 episodes later, she’s fully into her niche business. We talk about making some tough decisions, and how to stay motivated. I truly think this is something every freelancer and small business owner should hear!

Growing from Freelancer to Agency Owner with Matt Adams

Growing from Freelancer to Agency Owner with Matt Adams

I’ve known Matt Adams for the better part of a decade – we’ve worked on some interesting projects together, which we’ll reminisce about as we dive into how he’s built an agency out of what started as a freelance career. We talk a lot about something that’s hard for a lot of freelancers to talk about: cashflow. Feast, Famine, and Client Relationships have been themes of this season and they all relate to the same thing: managing your money properly so you can survive as a business. Let’s hear how Matt does it.

Preventing the Famine with Jason Resnick

Preventing the Famine with Jason Resnick

This year, 2020, the show is going to focus heavily on Freelancers and small business owners. And to kick things off, I’m talking to long time freelancer and educator Jason Resnick. He’s the founder of the Feast community and Live in the Feast podcast, and today he’s going to tell you how to set yourself up to prevent the dreaded famine that often comes with freelance work. We’ll talk about niching down, vetting clients, and so much more.

Staying Physically Healthy While Freelancing with Michelle Schulp

Staying Physically Healthy While Freelancing with Michelle Schulp

Michelle Schulp is a fantastic web designer in the WordPress space – you make have seen her work on the WP Hierarch chart. Recently she’s launched a new initiative talking about fitness and freelancing. Last week we touched a bit on mental health. This week we’re going to dive into physical health, especially when running your own business.

Mental Health and Freelancing with Allie Nimmons

Mental Health and Freelancing with Allie Nimmons

Allie Nimmons is a freelance web designer with a unique perspective to my own. She made the transition to freelancing after losing her job but still needed to make money. We talk about what that’s like, as well as how she’s able to hone her offerings based on what her target customers need. We also talk about mental health, and what it’s like to be black, and female, in a white male-dominated space.

Since recording this, Allie has been hired to work at GiveWP, providing tech support to users of this awesome plugin. She has minimized Pixel Glow to focus purely on providing WordPress maintenance. She can be found most often at her blog –