Creating Safer Parking Garages with Gordon Stannis and Twisthink

Creating Safer Parking Garages with Gordon Stannis and Twisthink

Gordon Stannis, like last week’s guest, Colin, helped create a smart lighting system. But where Colin wanted to improve our homes, Gordon wanted to improve our experience in parking garaging. This is a super interesting conversation where we cover both hardware and software, mesh networks, and much more.

Automating Your Home with Colin Billings

Automating Your Home with Colin Billings

Colin Billings has built something that I’m incredibly interested in generally: hardware that contributes to home automation. He built Orro, the first truly responsive lighting system, out of his own frustration with lighting’s adverse impact on his wellness and sleep. Now the Orro Switch adds the computational power of an iPhone XR inside the walls of a home. It detects your presence in a room and adjusts the lighting automatically to bring out the most natural light, reducing artificial light exposure that disrupts your body and sleep. Within a week, Orro learns your preferences and handles 95% of all the lighting adjustments, so you don’t have to think about your lights anymore.